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Writer: Alpha Delta PhiAlpha Delta Phi

The Alpha Delta Phi Foundation Undergraduate Literary Competition has announced the winners of the 2023 competition.

Award recipients receive their prize in the form of a donation in their name to a charitable organization of their choice who's mission is primarily literary or educational. To read/see the winning submissions, click here.

Daniel Pearl, Stanford 1985 Grand Prize Award

Sydney Pearson, Brunonian 2025*, Non-Fiction Entry “Murmurations”


1 (Tie). Anna Dubey, Brunonian 2025*, “Makeup”

1 (Tie). Kate Isabel Foley, Ursinian 2023*, “Lost Soul”, “The Preacher’s Daughter”, and other works

2. Anna Dubey, Brunonian 2025*, “Generation”

3. Gabriel Ritter, Brunonian 2025*, “One Fair Day”


1. Janelle Barnett, Brunonian 2023*, “H 5678: Restricting Prescription Drug Price Increases”

2 (Tie). Janelle Barnett, Brunonian 2023*, “In the Shadow of Slavery: Africa’s Botanical Legacy in the Atlantic World”

2 (Tie). Anna Dubey, Brunonian 2025*, “Darwin as a Socratic Figure”

3. Janelle Barnett, Brunonian 2023*, “Trotula”


1. San Kwon, Brunonian 2025*, “My Grandmother’s Kimchi and its 5 Stages of Love”, and other works

2 (Tie). Amalie Little, Middletown 2025*, “The Spaces Between”

2 (Tie). Amalie Little, Middletown 2025*, “Out of Tea”, and other works

3. Giordana Serretta Fiorentino, Brunonian 2024*, “Mondello”, and other works


1. Allison Indermuehle, Lavender Affiliate 2025*, “All we can do is dream”

2 (Tie). Neha Ahmed, Capital 2023*, “My JOY Series”

2 (Tie). Isaac Smith, Washington 2025, “Brotherhood in Film: A Series”

3. Allison Indermuehle, Lavender Affiliate 2025*, “Night Life in a Small Town”

STEM Writing

1. Anna Dubey, Brunonian 2025*, “Experimental Design: How does discarded human food affect coastal seabird community dynamics”

2. Angelina Reddy, Middletown 2025*, “Mars’ Polar Ice Caps: How They Compare and Their Implications for Future Research” and “How feasible is altering Mars’ environment to become habitable to human life”

3. Neha Ahmed, Capital 2023*, “Where are the people of color, women, and transgender people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?”

Music & Lyrics

1. Isaac Smith, Washington 2025, “Burning Flame”

2. Richard Liu, Lambda Phi 2023*, “Letting Go”

3. Kate Isabel Foley, Ursinian 2023*, “English Major’s Elegy”


1. Angelina Reddy, Middletown 2025*, “Beauty in the Balance”

2. Kade McKenna, Adelpho 2025, “UPROOT”

3. Maddy Albanese, Lavender Affiliate 2025*, “Analogical Parallels Coloring” and other works

Visual Arts

No Award Given


* Indicates membership in the Alpha Delta Phi Society. The Alpha Delta Phi Society, formed by a group of chapters that withdrew from the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity in 1992, is an independent and legally separate gender-inclusive organization not affiliated with the Fraternity.

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