The Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity has developed this guide as a foundation to aid in the use and property recognition of the brand awareness of the fraternity. Extensive research and historical knowledge have gone into the creation and modernization of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity branding. This guide will aid in the development and effectiveness of communications that properly represent the fraternity. The visual message that Alpha Delta Phi has established must be cohesive and follow the guidelines properly.
If you should wish to obtain logo files or graphical elements, or if you have further questions regarding the Alpha Delta Phi brand, please contact the Executive Office at office@alphadeltaphi.org
Alpha Delta Phi is the exclusive owner of its trademarks. In order to safeguard the appropriate use of our federally registered trademarks and to guarantee quality products, Alpha Delta Phi is one of many organizations that have entered into a trademark licensing agreement with Affinity Consultants. All commercial use of Alpha Delta Phi’s trademarks must be administered through a license agreement with Alpha Delta Phi.
To shop for official Alpha Delta Phi products, visit our entire list of licensed vendors at at greeklicensing.com. Here you can access a national network of vendors and get multiple quotes for your custom order needs. When shopping for Alpha Delta Phi merchandise, look for the Affinity Licensed Product logo!

The crest, which is our coat of arms, consists of the shield or escutcheon divided vertically in equal parts of green and white. It is bordered in black and studded with pearls. On the shield are three Greek letters, horizontally aligned, alpha, delta, phi. Above the shield is an esquire’s helmet in profile facing left with visor closed. Behind the shield is a sword and spear, both pointing upwards and both crossed saltirewise. Flanking the shield and issuing from the scroll on either side are two gold sprays of laurel leaved in gold. On the scroll beneath the shield is motto of the Alpha Delta Phi.
The crest, which is our coat of arms, consists of the shield or escutcheon divided vertically in equal parts of green and white. It is bordered in black and studded with pearls. On the shield are three Greek letters, horizontally aligned, alpha, delta, phi. Above the shield is an esquire’s helmet in profile facing left with visor closed. Behind the shield is a sword and spear, both pointing upwards and both crossed saltirewise. Flanking the shield and issuing from the scroll on either side are two gold sprays of laurel leaved in gold. On the scroll beneath the shield is motto of the Alpha Delta Phi.

Primary Colors: Emerald Green and White
Secondary Colors: Black and Gold
Accent Colors: Sage Green, Light Grey, and Tan
While green and white are the fraternity’s primary colors and an integral part of our brand, additional colors have been added to provide versatility and variety when developing communications materials for Alpha Delta Phi. The additional colors were carefully selected to complement our unique branding. Chapters may use official university colors in conjunction with the Alpha Delta Phi color palette.